January 16 – 19, 2024
First Group Member meeting:
In the early part of this week, our group gathered to discuss the skills and preferences of each member regarding their roles within the project. This meeting facilitated a better understanding among members. It was decided that Sherly and Candice would be co-producing while Sherly will handle the scheduling of meetings and communication, and Candice will oversee the documentation and assignment of tasks and overall direction.
Kick-off Meeting with Client and Advisors:
The team had an initial meeting with instructors, Dave and Chris, and our client, Cassie Baralis, Director of Marketing and Communications for Games for Change. Cassie introduced us to the G4C conference’s theme, target audience, and topics, highlighting the 2024 festival’s focus on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the exploration of analog games’ transformative potential. Our task is to create a 45-60 minute workshop designed for an audience of 40-80 participants. Dave and Chris provided an overview of the ETC project framework in relation to G4C, noting that the initial weeks would involve brainstorming and ideation.
Moving forward:
Aligning with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the team engaged in a brainstorming session to generate initial ideas by examining the goals and attempting to connect them with tangible or engaging concepts. We printed the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on paper and used sticky notes to attach potential ideas below each goal, facilitating easier reading and categorization of these ideas. After excluding frequently discussed topics, we narrowed our focus to six primary goals and agreed to conduct in-depth research on each.
Additionally, we have scheduled the weekly 25 core hours, and meetings with instructors and the client.