The team had many ideation sessions internally.
The initial brainstorm
In the beginning, with the milestones and deliverables Erica has given, the team discussed what they would like to include in the project.
From “AR Editor”, the team members proposed several different ideas that they might be interested to implement in this application.

The Ideation

Based on what the team brainstormed with Mo last Friday, the hierarchy of what would be the most important things is listed below.
- Experience-oriented
- Improvement of existing experience
- Fun experience
- Refined museum experience
- Creation of new experience
- Engaging experience
- Collectible / gamify
- Merging physical & virtual realities
- Improvement of existing experience
- Functionalities
- For artists
- Inspire artists
- Empower artists
- Reputation & profits
- Connect community
- Creativity
- Control
- For viewers
- Gathering (physically bringing people to the district)
- Reliable & expected technology
- Trigger physical exploration
- Accessibility for the community
- For artists
- Promotion
- Pop district-advertising
- Easy to share
- Community
- Community creation
- Exchange ideas
- See other people virtually and physically
- Exploration of other people’s comments
- Influence
- Change paradigm
- Education
- Benefits
- Financial gain for viewers
- Artists’ relationship
Among all of these, the team decided to focus on 3 most important things for this project:
- Merging physical & virtual realities
- Empower artists
- Accessibility for the community
Please refer to week 5 post for more description.
After the first alignment activity, the team received much feedback from the artists that what feature they would like to have in the application. To better analyze them, the team wrote them into single points and then categorized them into different types.

The team separated the ideas into these categories:
- Valuable suggestions
- to-do
- good to have but out of scope
- Concern
- application
- management
- To push back
- cons > pros
- not related to the community
- Solved/benefits
- Future imaginations
- For further discussion & design
This re-definition largely helped us to clarify our next steps.