The team is focusing on developing the LoFi product for this week. There are both design and engineering updates for this week.
Design-wise, based on the user flow confirmed last week, the team decided to prioritize the artist’s experience, especially the part of editing the artwork at the pop-art district, and the corresponding viewer’s experience.

The design team created several User Interface designs based on this flow.

For the user end, the design confirmed two things:
- The way to interact (pop-up the message window) with the artwork is by clicking it on the screen.
- The user clicks on an artwork
- A small info window pops up
- The user drags to expand the info window
- The user clicks the comment button to open the comment window
- There will be a comment system for the user in that every user could leave comments without registering an account. The uniqueness is determined by the device number that is decoded in each mobile phone. There will be random icons generated for each user.
The programmers confirmed the technical feasibility of creating the login service, as well as the comment system. These are planned to be developed in the HiFi prototype.
Therefore, the producer organized a system design alignment with the programmers. The aim of doing this is to make the development process clear and easy to modify when new requirements are suggested.

More specifically, the detailed implementation is also specified and confirmed by the engineering team.

The team had an ideation session with Mo on Friday (Feb.10).
Here is a list of โWhat are the most important thingsโ for this project:
- Fun experience
- Refined museum experience
- Inspire artists
- Change paradigm
- Empower artists
- Reputation & profits
- Connect community
- Creativity
- Control
- Pop district-advertising
- Accessibility for the community
- Gathering (physically bringing people to the district)
- Reliable & expected technology
- Reliable & expected technology
- Community creation
- Exchange ideas
- Financial gain for viewers
- Engaging experience
- Merging physical & virtual realities
- See other people virtually and physically
- Easy to share
- Exploration of other peopleโs comments
- Trigger physical exploration
- Artistsโ relationship
- Collectible / gamify
- Education
All of these points will be reorganized into a hierarchy by the end of this week.
Besides the session, Mo also suggested that we should playtest the feature of anonymous names and icons for the comment system. This way is encouraging people to troll. People might say something super inappropriate. In that case, we may need a moderator. This is a nice way to increase accessibility, but people might be rude in this case. This is hard to play test: people are trying to be nice when they are playtesting. We will need to confirm if introducing this is worth it.