Team Members

Chenguang “Simon” Deng

Programmer & Producer

Chenguang is an programmer who had the interest in many areas including music, art, data and business and interested in applying what he learnt into practical projects that connects and inspires people. He is pursuing master’s degree at Entertainment Technology Center at CMU and has bachelor degree in Computer Science.

Xiao Han


Xiao is a game designer and producer. Currently she is a second year graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University, Entertainment Technology Center.  She likes to facilitate teamwork and make things happen. She is happy to work on this project!

Yu “Lyn” Li


Lyn Li is currently a student at the Entertainment Technology Center (CMU) focusing on 3D game arts. She used to worked as a 3D Environment Artist and Lighting Artist. She is also interested in various art fields including filming, level design, graphic design, and script writing.

Gillian Ryan

Designer & Producer

After graduating with a B.S. in Psychology and English from Tulane University, Gillian began pursuing a Master of Entertainment Technology from Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center. Gillian spent several summers working in QA and Product Management and looks to transfer her skills into production.

Rohit Sharma

Programmer & Technical Designer

Rohit is a highly motivated individual with expertise in game and level design. He has worked on multiple projects, designing the core mechanics, gameplay loop, features, and levels. He is currently pursuing masters degree in entertainment technology at Carnegie Mellon University.

Anlan Yang


Anlan is an artist, she has diverse experiences in both 2D and 3D art. Before coming to ETC she studied New media art at Renmin University of China and got a bachelor of fine art degree in 2020. And she decided to become a 3D environment artist in her future career.


Dave Culyba

Shirley Saldamarco