We kicked off the semester by figuring out our roles based on each team members’ skills and interests. This first week we focused mainly on getting the ball rolling on onboarding tasks like figuring out core hours, tech needs, client and instructor meeting schedules, and our team name.
So who are we? We are Building Blox, an ETC Project focused on creating a narrative design sandbox in Roblox Studio for high school students to display their knowledge of key subjects like history and literature. We consist of:
Chenguang “Simon” Deng, Programmer and Producer
Xiao Han, Narrative Designer
Yu “Lyn” Li, Artist
Gillian Ryan, Designer and Producer
Rohit Sharma, Programmer and Technical Designer
Anlan Yang, Artist
Unfortunately, we were not able to meet with our client this week, so in lieu of that meeting we created a list of questions for our client to help us narrow down the focus of our project. Our questions included things like:
- What is the deliverable?
- Does Roblox have a specific topic or curriculum in mind?
- What are the restrictions typically associated with building a tool for classrooms?
- How much stylistic freedom do the artists have?
- Is our sandbox going to actual students or to Roblox to further work on?
- Are there tools that already exist that we should reference or take inspiration from?
At the end of the week, the team also began the composition box draft for our ETC Brainstorming Workshop. We’ll finalize the composition box after we have our first meeting with Roblox this coming Wednesday.