We kicked off the week with our instructor meeting where we went over:
- Our sprint for the week
- The final deliverables that our client has signed off on
- How we should think about presenting our final products in Softs and Finals
Following our sprint plan, Lyn and Anlan made some progress on creating more house rooms for the Latin assignment. Anlan also did a full revamp of our website, making it much more in tune with our aesthetic.

Based on the environments that Anlan and Lyn made, Xiao and Gillian wrote some possible stories and interactions in response to the Latin assignment that Gillian created last week. Gillian translated (with some help from Google) the interactions written in English into Latin.

Xiao also had a consultation with our faculty consultant, Chris Klug, to discuss how to better fine tune the Homestead Strike narrative.
Gillian began to start documentation. Roblox said they had no preference of what form final documentation should take, so the team decided that a slide deck would be best so that some slides could be used to guide our final presentation.
Rohit worked on two tasks this week. The first task was a scene template selection option, where users who claim an open plot can select which scene template they want to use. For now, the history template is the only one fully implemented, but Rohit plans on adding a template for the Latin story as well. Users can also choose not to use a template at all.
The second task was the save and load feature. Rohit has been having an issue with the server that progress is saved to disappearing when everyone leaves the experience. He met with someone at Roblox to get some help and will be tackling this problem further next week.
Chenguang finally has the dialogue node tree working. His next steps are going to be making it work with multiple NPCs and integrating it into the plot system.