In week 11, Anlan finished up creating all the single assets for the Latin demo that players can place. These assets include things like lamps, food, pets, and toys. Lyn created more family oriented NPCs including a grandfather and parents. With the art mostly finished, Rohit must begin uploading the art assets into the player asset inventory so that they are placeable by the players in-game.

As a team, we decided to scrap the saving and loading feature of our project. Despite meeting with a Roblox programmer, Rohit was still struggling to get the feature to work when all players left the experience. After discussing this with our client and instructors, everyone agreed it was best to move on since Roblox has programmers that could tackle the problem if they decide to further pursue developing the tool when we finish.
In place of working on saving and load, Rohit has added a sprint ability and a conveyor belt to make transportation faster. Additionally, he made a placeholder template for our Latin demo and a day or night option for each plot to increase customization options.

Chenguang kept working on the dialogue node graph and discovered that it would be more complicated to add additional graphs for different NPCs than originally planned. Again in a discussion with Roblox, we agreed that it would be okay to only have one tree as long as we note the importance of the feature for future development in our documentation.
Xiao edited some of her narrative based on Chris’ feedback and was looking for ways to make it work with just one NPC.
Gillian began working on final documentation, which encompasses a description of features, a how-to guide for the tool, a record of art assets, a post-mortem for the development process, and proposed next steps.
The team only had core hours for Monday during Week 12 due to Thanksgiving break. Rohit and Chenguang used the time to plan out how they would merge their builds. Everyone else began preparing for softs by adapting the Latin assignment we’ve been using to guide development into something more useful for soft-opening and inviting the instructors we thought would give the most pertinent feedback.