Summary: This week (Mar.28-Apr.3), we conducted 3 playtest sessions which exposed a series of design and tech issues in our product. Alpha phase was extended another time to Apr.11 to allow for a feature-complete product. What we have done: Client Meeting (03.28) After reviewing the wrap-up report draft, similar feedback […]
Shan Jiang
Summary: This week (Mar.21-27), our product took in accessibility features into consideration. What we have done: This week witnessed the return of the Game Developer Conference in San Francisco. Two of our team members, Jeffery and Shan, attended. There was a reunion with ETC alumni (image attached). Playtest with Brenda […]
Summary: We are moving forward with Culture Lite, where players share less personal identities. It is midway through Alpha and we are closer to a finished product! What we have done: Client Meeting (Mar.14) Immediately after one week of spring break, we resumed our regular weekly meeting with our client. […]
Summary: This week (Feb.28 – Mar.3) was a short week. Halves presentations were completed and a playtest with our client was carried out in person. What we have done: Halves Presentation (Feb.28) We finally reached the mid-point of the semester! On Feb.28, we delivered our 15-min halves presentation to ETC […]
Summary: This was the first week (Feb.21-27) of pre-alpha, where our minimum viable product (MVP) has been getting into shape and completed our first weekly playtest with naive guests. Please see below for our latest video demo. What we have done: Preparation for Half Presentation In order to prepare for […]