This week (Feb.28 – Mar.3) was a short week. Halves presentations were completed and a playtest with our client was carried out in person.
What we have done:
Halves Presentation (Feb.28)
We finally reached the mid-point of the semester! On Feb.28, we delivered our 15-min halves presentation to ETC students, faculty, and staff (video attached). Watch the recording below to learn more about our project goals, iteration process, current build, and future planning.
Client Meeting (Mar.2)
We also had a chance to playtest with our client in-person. Overall, our product was appreciated and complimented as it fulfilled the needs of our client. She was more than happy to see the interactions players can achieve in the browser, including moving the cultural wheel with a virtual joystick and viewing others’ cultural wheels by tapping the spinner. Even with limited physical space, players will be able to meet each other online. Although we still had half of the project to be implemented, our client approved our efforts in the first 7 weeks! To ensure the following development of gameplay can be reviewed similarly, we decided to switch online meetings to in-person with our client.
Instructor Meeting (Mar.4)
Some key points were brought up during this week’s instructor meeting. For example, we should think more about the facilitator’s storytelling through the gameplay. Although the game is symbolic, we can bring more metaphoric elements to it.
Project Management
Our project posters and half-sheets are printed out and displayed in the building (pictures attached).
Project half-sheets Embrace poster
To accommodate feedbacks from weekly playtests, task track sheet has been updated with task types, including main tasks, sub tasks, and bugs (screenshots attached).

Art and UI/UX design has continued to progress with the latest cultural wheel color palette, icons, page layout and text buttons (images attached).
Color Palette 1 Color Palette 2 Cultural Wheel with icons Buttons Pop-up texts Questions and options layout
What we plan to do:
Spring break is coming up from Mar.4 to Mar.13 so the project blog will be updated again for the week of Mar.14.