What is Games for All
Games for All is a discovery project at Carnegie Mellon University – Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) that aims to create a more accessible game on the experience level that enables a sense of empowerment.
Project Background
Disabled players want to have the same fun and game experience as non-disabled players.
Current Barriers
There are some common mismatches between players’ ability and game control schemes.
Current Solutions
Explicit accessible features: Games offer accessibility options menu
Implicit accessible features: visual & audio feedback, menu navigation, game navigation, etc.
We are trying to address these mismatches
Movements control
complex control
physical fatigue
control sensitivity
By addressing these problems, we hope to benefit more players including situational, temporary disabled, and non-disabled players.
Our Solution
– Embed accessibility in early design stage –
Adaptive Difficulty
Personalize the challenge according to players’ capability.
Calibration => Adjust Challenge => Accessible
Intuitive Game Control
Auto-map controls according to players’ practice.
Tutorial => Auto Button Mapping => Accessible