External Advisors

Jaehee Cho
Creative Director of Orta Interactive
Jaehee Cho is a filmmaker and creative director, passionate about telling interesting and unique stories in various media. Beginning his career in film and photography, his work has expanded beyond traditional, using new technology such as virtual reality and augmented reality. He completed his master’s degree at Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center, where he was the director for award-winning VR projects, Hypnos’s “Imago” and Kalpana’s “Injustice”. As a Founder of Orta Interactive Studio, a virtual reality media company, his work continues to test the frontiers of interactive technology and art. As a creative director, he has partnered with Google Youtube, Tribeca Film Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, The Embassy of the State of Qatar, Classrooms without Borders and created immersive experiences.
Special Thanks to La MaMa Staff

Sophie Glidden-Lyon
Manager of Digital and Special Projects, La MaMa

Ozzie Rodriguez
Director of Archive, La MaMa