Time: 10/24-10/30
ETC Playtest Day:
After 1 week-long fall break, things have been slowly getting back to the usual pace. This Saturday was a big day for the public playtest, where ETC welcomed around 80 playtesters on campus. The building hasn’t had a dozen children running around and laughing in a while. By the end of the day, 35 guests showed up and tested 3 of our experiences, including La Marie Vision, Carmilla, and Na Haaz Zan (new). The quantitative results will be discussed in next week’s blog.

To prepare for the big day, we replaced the A4-sized La Marie Vison poster with the original size of 26 x 29 inches. To spice up the project room, we printed an image of the entrance of La MaMa Archive and put it on our door. Some stuffed animals and Halloween decorations were brought to our room.

One new demo was added to our experiences – Na Haaz Zan. Adapted from the Navajo creation myth, it shows the evolution of life on earth in three lands (black, blue, and yellow). Different animals are involved in the show in the form of animal masks, including a wolf, bird, owl, and cougar. We decided to bring these masks back to life by creating digital forms.

Ray and Jingyuan worked on the modeling and texturing, as documented below.

We have a demo to show below!