This week is half-presentation week. All team members had put efforts in going through the whole pipeline and making a complete animatics that can be put on the website for Half. We successfully put together and rendered out the first animatics on Wednesday.

Since presentation time was limited and we have a lot of things to cover, we could not show the whole animatics during the presentation. So we put this on our main page for faculties to check out and only show the first scene with a brief audio description at the beginning of the presentation. Here is the complete version:
We started our preparation for Half Presentation after we finished with our render. Here is a link to our presentation slides:

As we shown in the animatics, we got most of the lab building in place, while having everything set up for the beginning scene. However, there a still a good amount of shots being placeholders, especially in the second half of the animation. Our lab building and environments also need to be textured and the lighting needed detailed adjustment.