This week, we kept working on building the special controller for the cemetery gameplay. We have set up the miniature of the cemetery scene with the touch frame, and with tests, the miniature of the cemetery works with the digital game. Though we had Thanksgiving Holiday this week, we still prepared for Soft Opening next Monday.
Touch Frame and Miniature of the Cemetery
In the miniature, the player moves the peg man to control and navigate the character in the digital map. A box of sand is provided for grave digging movement. If the player would like to dig the grave, the player uses a tiny shovel to dig the sand in the box to carry out the digging movement.

Debugged to connect all the scenes and made a build.
Tested the build with the hardwares.
Prepared for the Soft Opening.
Purchased props and printed the cemetery map.
Plans for next week
Scribe feedback from Soft Opening and make iterations on the game.
Set up the space in the project room for the game.