Hi all! Coming back from Spring break we set our next upcoming deliverable to be a fully playable build that we can take to the annual Game Developers Conference in San Francisco to demo it and have feedback from all the great minds in the industry.
Our goal for GDC is simple – have a fully playable & polished experience of one single character. The successful goal for this build is that player will be able to complete interrogating one character and be able to obtain enough clues to feel the need to move on to another suspect.
Last week’s biggest news was that OpenAI released GPT-turbo API, the technology behind ChatGPT. This sudden release was very unexpected but also presents us with a very unique opportunity – as a research project, we want to know the difference between all different versions of GPT and be able to talk about it at next week’s GDC. Therefore the majority of this week has been focused on transitioning to the new API, which includes changing our backend system.
The new ChatGPT API turned out to be very effective – there’s minimal performance difference from the original Divinci model but it’s 10x cost efficient. We will include all our findings in the final article which will be released by the end of the semester.
Below are the five different states of Adam, based on our design. These emotional states will be triggered based on the player’s tone input.

We also started to map out more elements of our game – starting from character selection. Player will initially select the first suspect to interrogate and later come back to it after finishing their interrogation to pick the next person.