Week 12: 11/12/2023 – 11/18/2023

Summary of the week: Aldora, Angie, and Lauren spent much of the week at the IAAPA conference in Orlando, Florida! The team otherwise worked more on final tasks including lighting, pedestals, clouds, hardware, software, and audio.


Aldora, Angie, and Lauren spent much of the week away at the IAAPA conference in Orlando, Florida! Aldora returned on the 15th, Angie returned on the 16th, and Lauren returned on the 19th.

Aldora and Lauren at a backstage tour of Pipeline at SeaWorld!

Aldora and Lauren exploring the IAAPA show floor!

Lauren, Angie, and another CMU student at a backstage tour of Rise of the Resistance!

Final Task Lists

The team worked together to create our final task lists and install task lists to help plan out the end of our semester.


Jiaxin and Charlie worked with the CMU School of Drama to set up the lighting settings at the Purnell lobby for our installation.

UV Secret Messages

Charlie finalized the secret words and lines to go on the pedestals and plaques! They will be revealed with the UV light. The final words and lines are as follows:


  • Edmund: Liar, Cheat, Ambitious, Backstabber, “Sadist,” Toxic, “Psychopath,” Duplicitous, “Bastard,” “Illegitimate,” “Whoreson,” “Mistake,” Unwanted 
  • Edgar: Spineless, “Gullible,” “Naive,” Passive, “Deserter,” Fool, Trusting, Meek, Submissive, Pushover, “Insecure,” Self-Hating, “Tool” 
  • Goneril: Domineering, Controlling, Manipulative, Ruthless, Uncaring, “Sociopath,” Two-Faced, “Bitch,” “Gaslighter,” Cold, Belittling, Self-Centered, “Narcissist”
  • Regan: Cruel, “Vapid,” Impulsive, Envious, Useless, Unneeded, “Stupid,” Forgotten, “Leech,” Lesser, “Ass-Kisser”
  • Cordelia: “Perfect,” “Polite,” “Caring,” “Virtuous,” “Loving,” “Pure,” “Beautiful,” “Trophy,” “Ornamental,” “Empathetic,” “Pious,” “Obedient”


  • Edmund: My devoted son / My unwanted son
  • Edgar: My son who will succeed me / My son who abandoned me
  • Goneril: The daughter to carry on my legacy / The daughter to destroy my legacy 
  • Regan: The daughter most dutiful / The daughter most cruel
  • Cordelia: The daughter closest to my heart / The daughter that broke my heart 

Aldora began writing and painting on the pedestal with invisible pen and UV light.


Jiaxin finished the rest of the flat clouds!

Hardware and Software

Charlie worked with Dave Purta to create an audio rack to house all our power and audio needs for the mixer, directional speakers, and house speaker wiring. Charlie also finalized the Unity and FMod integration for the experience audio!

Finally, Charlie mounted the UV lights!


When Angie returned, she finished splicing the audio of the actor’s recording. She then started the editing process, with Charlie’s findings, editing each individual line to make sure there were no pops or clicks, as well as making sure their frequency values worked with the hardware. Each line was individually edited so they could be of quality, following a process of noise reduction, EQ filtering, and normalizing.