During our second week, the team spent the first few days to present some of our individual findings to each other. This involved different examples of existing game topics, mechanics, and projects.
Game mechanics : Terra Nil and Stardew Valley
Games for Change Project : On the Morning You Wake (theme of community, nuclear threat, and society)
Environmental Topic : 5G energy waste, water cycle, wind power, decomposition (death and burial), and fabric (clothing)

Our concept artist, Em, also submitted this fantastic illustration as our team logo.
During our weekly client meeting (1/28), we presented some of our findings and insights about On the Morning You Wake to Raul, looking for potential ways to shaping the start of our project research. Some of the guidelines that Raul gave us during the meeting was to look for and focus on a topic that is inclusive in order to bring emphasis on empathy and relatability. From the start of online showcases in the year of COVID-19 impact, Games for Change was able to receive a variety of demographics in attendance which then opened up room for easier accessibility across the globe. This has also brought our attention to think about our game potentially working asynchronously between players across different time zones.