
The Inner Matter project is creating a VR and biometric sensor integrated meditation app which seeks to introduce a new audience to the efficacy of meditation, through a research-based guided meditation created in cooperation with digital mindfulness training startup Equa Health. 

Our target demographic is young adults ages 16-30 who are often engaged in stressful environments and who are new to meditation. To create this VR experience, we are collecting biometrics and integrating that information as environmental biofeedback into a meditation session designed around a twenty minute guided meditation lesson provided by Equa Health. Adding biofeedback to a VR meditation will not only help track the efficacy of a meditation session, but offers an opportunity for meditators to experience greater immersion in both their physical self-awareness and in the environment around them. 

Our aim is to deliver a polished vertical slice of a meditation experience developed through several iterations as a proof of concept for the implementation of heart rate based biofeedback within VR meditation.

Contact Us

Contact Inner Matter’s Producer, Gillian Ryan, at gcryan@andrew.cmu.edu.