Our Team

Team Members

Faris ElRayes

Technical Artist

Faris is a software developer passionate about games who is set to attain his Master of Entertainment Technology from Carnegie Mellon University’s ETC in the first half of 2023. He loves creating complex and vibrant effects and environments through high-level shader programming. Faris’ interests lie in experimenting with new technologies such as VR.

Gillian Ryan

Sound Designer

After graduating with a B.S. in Psychology and English from Tulane University, Gillian began pursuing a Master of Entertainment Technology from Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center. Gillian spent 6 months working in QA at Robot Entertainment, focusing mainly on subtitling and localization, and looks to transfer her skills into a game production role.

Hua “Constanza” Tong

Interaction Designer and Researcher
2D Artist

Constanza Tong is a UX designer & researcher who currently explores XR and gamification in an empathic, human-centered manner. She has experience in designing explainable AI, Digital Human, and multiple digital solutions for mental health. They led her to utilize emerging technology to solve the tricky pain points of our era with intuitive and playable interaction.

Zibo Ye

Hardware Programmer
Network Programmer

Zibo received a B.S. in Artificial Intelligence from Peking University. Instead of being a researcher in AI field, he decided to pursue his dream to be a game related developer. He worked at NetEase for one year as a game engine programmer and found himself eager to learn more about Graphics, and that’s why he is now earning a Master’s in Entertainment Technology from Carnegie Mellon University.

Lauren Zhang

3D and Shader Artist

Lauren Zhang is an artist and programmer interested in working at the intersection of art and technology. They are passionate about creating compelling environments through lookdev, shaders and lighting, as well as helping artist workflows by creating tools.


Dave Culyba

Heather Kelley