
  • Week 13 Prepare for Soft Opening
    As we compiled a list of improvements and changes based on the feedback from the playtest day, we are using this as our goal for the soft opening. This week, our focus was on user experience, and we continued iterating to ensure that all aspects of the project were user-friendly. Production This week, we began …
  • Week 12 Playtest Day
    This week, our playtest day took place on Saturday, April 6th. We had a total of 48 playtesters who played our game and provided valuable feedback for us to make adjustments and improvements. We worked hard to try and put together a complete experience to help give the players a sense of what we are …
  • Week 11 The Preparation of Playtest Day
    This week we keep making progress on our project. We have made the recordings of our narrations, and playtested our game with the Astro Club of CMU. Playtest With Astro Club Members On Friday, we conducted a playtest with the Astro Club of CMU. We received valuable feedback regarding adjustments to the panel user experience, …
  • Week 10 Iterations
    This week we keep making progress on our project. We added some new features to the game, and made iterations to the features that we have done before. Production We received the email from the Astrobotics that the Griffin model is finalized. We will receive the Griffin model as long as the documentation work finished. …
  • Week 9 Exploring!
    This week, we are implementing new features into the game and iterating on our control panel for the Exploring Scenario. We playtested our progress and received feedback. We will continue to iterate on our work and conduct more playtests. Production This week, we invited two groups of playtesters to test our game. The first playtester …
  • Week 7 & 8 – Halves & Spring Break
    This week, our focus was on preparing for our Half-Presentation. We also made iterations on the game functions and formulated plans for the Exploring part. Production We are pleased that our client, Mike Hennessey, also attended our half-presentation on Wednesday. Following our presentation, we had a quick discussion about our Exploring design and made some …
  • Week 6- Playtest and Iterations
    This week, we participated in two playtesting opportunities: CMU Playtest Night and a visit from a middle school. We had a total of 9 playtesters, with 6 people testing our game during the Playtest Night and 3 from the middle school visit. We provided them with a post-game survey to fill out after playing the …
  • Week 5 – Landing Mission Complete
    This week, we finalized a solid game flow for our game. Additionally, we created storyboards and concepts to illustrate the design. We also completed and packaged our first scenario, ‘The Landing,’ in preparation for next week’s playtest. The Landing We finalized the storyboard for the landing part. We arranged components into reusable prefabs and show …
  • Week 4 – The First Prototype
    This week, we built our very first prototype for our first scenario: The Landing. Additionally, we watched the livestream from NASA’s Robot Build Watch Party, asked questions about VIPER, and found inspiration while observing the livestream. Design We leaned toward the player playing as the AI for a better explanation of the amount of controls …
  • Week 3 – Quarters
    This week our team was focused on preparing for our quarters presentation. Quarters is a great opportunity to present our game idea to the faculty and get valuable feedback and suggestions. We had a description and high level goal of the project. Then explained our ideas to the faculties. Overall, the feedback we received was …
  • Week 2 – Visit the Museum
    This week, we visited our client, Mike Hennessy, at the Moonshot Museum. The Moonshot Museum shares the same location as Astrobotic Technology, which is developing the Griffin Lander for landing VIPER on the Moon. “Moonshot Museum is Pennsylvania’s first space museum and a unique living lab where you can get closer to the work of …
  • Week 1 – We are Moonsters
    We are very excited to start the semester and work on the Moonshot Museum VIPER VR project. It’s been a month since we have seen each other and we are really excited to came back together again to work on this project. We are a team of 6, with differen backgrounds, developing a prototype of …