Week13: Iteration & Preparations for Softs!

This week we mainly iterate on the questions of the Playtest Day.


  • Cancel the flipping and rotating functionality button, since we found users have more intuitive way of flipping and rotating instead of interacting with the buttons we gave them
  • Add a process checklist of each page to let the users know the expectation of the whole process’ time left.

AR Interaction:

  • Change the character to be in the front of the player’s camera, since we found it was hard for the user to find the character in AR. The character has to be in the right front of our user.
  • Add another interaction that the user needs to click on the virtual ground to evoke the character. Since the user might miss the character animation if they can’t find the character once they enter the AR mode.


  • Added the choosing stamp function.
  • Added the function of flipping postcards through dragging.

For the next week, our plan is:


  • Divide the slides for the final presentation.
  • Record videos to demonstrate the game and edit it for the final.

Animation (Jim)

  • Ensure everything works including the character animation and facial animation.
  • Make the final’s slides of the animation part.

AR Interaction (Shen)

  • Test the AR in Strip District and make sure it works.

UI/UX (Cora/Shen)

  • Change the map style and add the pin on the map.
  • Add the process checklist on each page.
  • Make the final slides’ pages of  UIUX.

Tech (Tony)

  • Final bug fixing.
  • Make the final slides’ pages of tech.
  • Get ready for the technical document’s delivery to clients.

Game Design (Yuxin)

  • Get ready for the design document’s delivery to clients.
  • Make the final slides’ design part.

Narrative (Xixi)

  • Make the final slides’ narrative part.