Category: Dev Blogs
Week 3
This week, we came up with more ideas and brownboxing those ideas. Having ¼ walkaround at the end of the week, we received a lot of feedback from the faculty. Based on the feedback, we’ll keep iterating on our existing ideas, and start prototyping on our interactive concept. Game Design New game pitch ideas A…
Week 2
This week, we kept working on pitching game ideas, and decided on the game idea we preferred. While documenting and brownboxing our game ideas, we also start prototyping in Unity. Core Hour Monday 11am-5pm Tuesday 10am-5pm Wednesday 10am-2pm Thursday 2pm-5pm Weekly Project Meeting Weekly Meeting with instructors: Every Monday at 3pm Game Design Game Pitch…
Week 1
Hi everyone! We are team XpressO, a team of 5 graduate students at the Entertainment Technology Center of Carnegie Mellon University. Our project, XpressO is a faculty-pitched project which intends to create an expressive interactive experience by exploring innovative mechanics and unique controllers. By rapid-prototyping artistic expressive ideas, playtesting, and then focusing on one interactive…