Soft Opening

Hi friends. We’re on the home  stretch now. With parts 1 and 2 mostly figured out now, we are focusing on the profile page and making the tutorial easy to understand.

Game Design Updates


We are updating the tutorial storyboard to make it interactive. We have also expanded it in order to better explain our goals.

Here we define toxic and nontoxic.

First Panel

Then we see if the players understand it.

Panel 2

If not, they get this screen and try again.

Panel 2 wrong

If so, they continue with this screen:

Panel 2 right

If they choose harmful, they are taken to this screen:Panel 3 right

If they choose correctly, the players see this:

Panel 4

The two in correct answers for this choice lead to these messages

Panel 4 wrong 2

The right answer leads here:

Panel 5

Any card you chose here is correct, and each has a slightly different answer. Here’s one example

Panel 6

Finally, this is the last new panel

Panel 7

Tech Updates

Gameplay update



Part 2

Players will now be able to choose between joining an existing room and creating a new room in the lobby. They also have the option to leave the waiting room at any time before the game starts

Cards / Profile Page

Players can now view their profile by clicking on their avatar on the menu screen. The profile shows the player’s name, avatar, level, and progress to next level, although level and progress have yet to be implemented. 

Additionally, you can see how many cards you have created and view all of the cards, as well as choose which cards you want to use in multiplayer.

Finally, we have added the optional feature of connecting certain demographic information to your profile, as requested by our client

Login Screen

In addition to a username, we now require a password with your account. Due to time limitations, we won’t be able to implement any sort of password recovery system, but we felt the added security was necessary given we are asking for personal information  as a part of our data collection process.

Here is our current layout.

Log in screen

Artists Updates


Here is the design for the demographic collection page.

Survey 1

Survey 2

Survey 3

Survey 4

Survey 5

Thank you screen


Here is our new menu design




Sound Design

I have found the music for the menu screen and profile page. You can listen to it here.

 Current Link

As always, find the link to the current version of the game here. The password is etc.

AIAuditors Production Update

Soft opening is finally here! We are all eager to see what everyone thinks of our work. See y’all next week!

Do look forward to our future update! 🙂 



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