
Prepare for Playtest Day
Meeting with Deeptimize
This week we worked on two of the three prototypes we decided to explore further, and we met with our client and Deeptimize, a company SwipeVideo has collaborated with in the past.
Deeptimize uses AI to capture motion and create models (skeleton frames) from a single video. In the past, they have worked with SwipeVideo to use AI on multiple videos. During this meeting, Deeptimize explained their product, how it works, and what our team could possibly help them with.

Game prototype for playtest day
The task that we would work on is something that would be heavy on the technical/programming side, which would be difficult to explore as our team has a solo programmer. We have decided to focus on our original plan and if time allows, we may begin exploring what Deeptimize is interested in.
We continued work on exploring if SwipeVideo could be used for a game. The current prototype is a playable demo for two players with a target demographic of 10-12-year-olds. The players work together to view different angles of an environment. Currently, the UI looks similar to SwipeVideo, with icons on the bottom to indicate the different angles. While the image is currently static, we are aiming to use video in the future.

SwipeHistory prototype for playtest day
For the SwipeHistory Prototype, we have begun creating a real interactable website, as well as capturing footage and collecting archival footage.
Plan for next week and this weekend
This upcoming week we have several of the team members leaving for LA for the Infinity Festival. We are hoping to talk to some of our peers there about SwipeVideo for documentation purposes.
Also this weekend, we will have a playtest day so that we will have the chance to test our two prototypes and interview people about their understanding of what Swipevideo technology is.