1/2 Presentation
We had our presentations this Monday, which we felt overall had gone pretty well. The feedback we received, however, was overall confusion about what our client’s product, SwipeVideo, is.
Since the team and faculty instructors have been working with the product since the beginning of the semester, we were unable to recognize where we could have improved in our examples and explanations.
While feedback is generally all over the board due to the wide array in backgrounds among the faculty, it was clear a large percentage of the group thought that SwipeVideo was only meant for 360 degree footage.
While this is a possibility, SwipeVideo allows for as little or as many angles as the user wants, meaning it could be 180 or 90 degrees around a subject. SwipeVideo also allows for the angles to be of completely different subjects, allowing users to swipe between different viewpoints completely. For example, one might want to see a camera viewpoint which is facing an audience, while another camera is facing the performer, and another camera viewpoint is focused on the backstage audio technician.
For the future, according to our feedback and our client: we are going to focus on three core concepts that we have already began to explore, and further develop them. We’ve chosen these ideas based on biggest business opportunity, and if the use case could be a new product or build upon previous features.