Presentation preparation
This week we have started prepping for 1/2 Presentations. It is always a moment that highlights how fast the semester goes.
Prepare for 1/2 presentation
Past 1/2 Presentations our plan is to further develop our current prototypes, as well as continue exploring different ideas.
Each concept that we’ve developed has had ways that we could pursue and polish it further if that is what we determine will be the most important for us to explore.

Prepare for more interview
We will also begin interviewing professionals in each of the fields that the ideas fall under. For example, we will interview artists and art teachers about the usability of our ArtSwipe concept in art critique and exhibition settings.
We present next Monday, and all of our energy is currently focused on compiling all of our current documentation and providing strong examples to help explain our goals and progress for this project.
Till Next Week,
Team POV