Week 7: Half Way Here

After concluding the halves presentation and marking the start of spring break, we have officially reached the midpoint of the semester!

Halves Presentation

We had our halves presentation on Monday, where we shared our project goals, progress to date, and future plans with our faculty and fellow students. It appeared that we were on the right track as we didn’t face any challenging questions, and our presentation was well-received. While we are awaiting complete feedback, we are confident in our abilities to improve.

The remainder of the week will be dedicated to individual work as we are preparing for the upcoming playtest at West Liberty University’s maker space during the following week of Spring Break.

Development Update

Our programmers are focused on resolving the bugs encountered during the last playtest. Jasmine and Sarah are dividing their tasks and working on making the second version of the prototype.

The artists are currently working on two key aspects. Randi is creating the 2D reference for the final scene of the tutorial, while Lawrence is working on the 3D rendering. Their efforts have significantly enhanced the visual appeal of our project!

The producers also have important tasks at hand. Samantha is designing the theme for the UI elements, drawing inspiration from the backstage of a theater to align with our tutorial video. Eva is working on creating printed instructions, expanding beyond the humanoid puppet assembly guide from before our mid-semester presentation to include instructions for both humanoid and quad puppets.

Next Steps

With everyone’s dedication, we are confident that our playtest session will be a success as planned. Also, next week marks Spring Break — a great chance for the team to recharge and anticipate the weeks ahead!

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