Current Schedule
- Previously:
- 2/6 – Faculty Advisor Meeting
- Discussed current deity system, art, and some mechanics
- Determined that setting story aside for now is the best option
- Worked on maps, character art, environmental art, and core mechanics
- 2/6 – Faculty Advisor Meeting
- Current:
- Continue developing character and environment concepts
- Start researching naming conventions
- Continue research on the plot premise using the book lent to us.
- Continue researching and defining necessary mechanics
- Develop storyboard for the summoning deity mechanic scene
What Went Well
- Progress made on character development
- Environment and asset concept art development
- First pass at maps were designed
- Mechanics needed for puzzles were defined.
Art Updates
Design Updates
- Level design: Mechanics needed for puzzles were defined
- Narrative design: Deity Lore was defined more
- Gameplay design: Test grappling hooks mechanics for puzzles and movement