- Previously:
- Discussed previous character art, weapon designs, deity designs
- Current:
- Preparing for Halves
- Continuing Concept Arts
- Continuing mechanic designs
Art Updates

Design Updates

Naming Conventions
- Researched old English for the naming conventions of places in the game’s world
- Started using said research to create Franken-names for the different islands and temples.
- Ex: Templaffȳr ( pronounced tem-pl-off-fear): means Temple of Fire
- We can also use these naming conventions for items or creatures if we so choose as well.

Deity Interations
- Worked on defining what the deity interactions overall would look like.
- This includes:
- The original making of the contract
- The summoning of the deity in battle
- Using deity granted skills in battle / while exploring
- Upgrading skills through deity worship
- Swapping which deity is currently equipped

Inventory and Crafting Systems
Started on defining the inventory and crafting outlines
- Researched and proposed consumable crafting mechanics
- Defined a outline for designing transformational weapons, crafting them, and upgrading them.