This week is another week in which we made lots of progress. Our experience is more feature complete, having a tutorial and SUDS working. The team also had a meeting and reevaluated our goals. Since we only have 3 weeks left before finals, the team had to cut the data collection that we wanted to and focus on the experience. We also decided to deliver detailed documentation instead of white paper.
Tech Update
This week the team worked really hard and finally built a more complete experience, including the tutorial, the dialogue, SUDS, and audio with human voice. This is a version that still needs polish and optimization, but we are glad that we have the flow done. Here is a tech demo:
Art Update
With our only artist still being sick, our progress on modeling the characters has been delayed. Despite being sad that our artist couldn’t finish the characters that she loved, with only 3 weeks left, the team has reached out to Rei Yamada, a second year artist to finish building the characters for us, and have our artist keep making the clothing options
Production Update
The team had a meeting and revaluated our scope. With the short amount of time that we have, and after discussing with our faculty advisors, we have to sadly cut the data collection and white paper out of our scope
Instead, the team will be delivering detailed documentation, and a UI within the experience that allows the therapist or player to customize the experience, for example, players will be able to control the amount of NPCs spawning in the experience.

Agenda for next week
- Character implementation
- Player customization UI
- Documentation