Week 14
Week 14 In this week, we worked on continuing polishing our game and prepared for next week’s final presentation. Project Progress On the Priority, we: On the Tech Side, we: On the Art & Narrative Side, we: Final Presentation Preparation As mentioned above, we also prepared for our final presentation next week. Below is the […]
Week 13
Week 13 In this week, we were focusing on change the interaction designs for our game, and make the tutorial for game interactions clear. Project Progress On the Priority, we: On the Tech side, we: On the Art side, we: Map Art Game Manual
Week 12
Week 12 In week 12, we completed the reconnection function so players are able to rejoin even if they disconnect automatically. Besides, we polish the game a little to make the user interaction more fluent. Furthermore, we conducted 2 more playtests virtually. Project Progress On the Priority tasks, we: On the Tech side, we: Start […]
Week 11
Week 11 In week 11, we were working on improving our games based on the feedbacks we received from last week’s playtests. Also, we conducted 2 playtests virtually with one of our teammemeber’s friends family. Project Progress On the Priority tasks, we: On the Tech Side, we: Besides, we try to fix the auto disconnect […]
Week 10 (Playtest Day!)
Week 10 In week 10, we are working on fixing bugs and polishing our games by putting more art and UI assets in the game. Besides, we have 5 playtests with each has 6 playtesters on our our Satuarday’s playtest day. On the Tech Side, we: Accusation Phase On the Art Side, we: Playtest Day […]
Week 9
Week 9 Game Development In this week on the development side, we get more basic functions done, like moving and open clues on the detective board on main computer screen, and we redesign some of the clues and the logic of memory layout. First Playtest! Experience and Photos Besides, the most significant thing we did […]
Week 8
Week 8 In this week, we were working on making a workable demo that can be tested. Project Progress For game development part, we: For our art side, we have:
Week 7 (Half!)
Week 7 Half Presentation In this week, we had our half presentation on Wednesday, and received some useful feedbacks from our advisors and professors. Demo Video Link Project Progress For tech side, we: Also, all previously mentioned functions are now connected in a sequence, so there’s a basic structure of our game. The future plan […]
Week 6
Week 6 Project Progress In this week, we have a simple game demo with rough structure that can demonstrate the idea of our game. We finished the selection phase (players select characters), the puzzle system, simple puzzle interactions, and the UI layout concept. Puzzle System In the puzzle system, players are able to view what […]
Week 5
Week 5 Game Development Since week 5, we started working on the development part of the project. As mentioned in previous blogs, our game is constructed with several smart phones and a host (Computer). So we use Unity 2022.1.12f1 and Photon for our development. Rather than finishing the photon set up, we completed the bag […]