This week is spring break!(Yeah!!)
During the spring break, we further develop in-game art assets including the 3D environment, characters, and the 2D card illustrations and text arrangement. Programmer further develop the game mechanics and finish the first version of the game for us to do the playtest.
Game Design
We also organized a design document to summarize all the information to give our team a more clear picture of the flow of the gameplay. It include information about product features, and essential implementation details; and design decisions that our team and stakeholders have agreed on.

A major milestone that we had set for us was to create a playable demo of our experience on week 8 for our playtest and also to see how our assets were able to be integrated together.
After each round, there will be an interview of citizens talking about the impact that policies brought to his/her life. Players may change their cards for the next round through different interviews. Random incidents don’t happen every round they happen probabilistically. The content above will be generated based on the player’s current index, and events in it will affect the city and index. This approach creates more challenge and fun for the player. So that we create document for interview and random incident content.

3D environment – Based on the policy cards, we made more specific architecture models. We also made a more detailed edition to the outlook of the city.

2D Cards – We made illustrations of the new policy cards and arrange the information on the cards.

UI – Collection, random incident, interview page (summarized in the design doc)